The HONORLOGIC project is very excited to announce that the PI of the project, Prof. Ayşe K. Üskül, has been appointed as one of the new Editor-in-Chiefs for the European Review of Social Psychology. Ayşe is working alongside Prof. Martijn van Zomeren and the editorial board. They all look forward to the exciting things to […]
The HONORLOGIC project has moved base from the University of Kent to the University of Sussex. The team would like to thank those at the University of Kent who worked on and alongside the project for all their help, dedication and hard work! Although there are many institutes and colleagues affiliated with the project around […]
The HONORLOGIC project is pleased to report that our first virtual team meeting took place on 18 January 2021 and was attended by 17 team members in 12 countries. The meeting was an opportunity to review achievements thus far and to discuss ongoing and potential research collaboration, including activities and dissemination related to current and […]
Prof. Ayşe K. Üskül interviewed in Observer piece on Psychological Science and the European Research Council. In an article on the importance and ‘influence of ERC funding on the psychological science research process’, Prof. Ayşe K. Üskül said: ‘In a climate where demands on us academics are constantly increasing, at costs including reduced time for […]