Shenel Husnu Raman - Associate Professor, Department of Psychology

Dr Shenel Husnu Raman

Associate Professor, Department of Psychology

Eastern Mediterranean University

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Shenel Husnu Raman is an Associate Professor in Social Psychology. She obtained her BSc in Psychology and MSc in Social Psychology from Middle East Technical University, Turkey and her PhD from the University of Kent, UK. She worked at the University of Kent as a part-time lecturer until moving to the University of Derby as a Senior Lecturer.

In 2011 she joined the Department of Psychology at Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus where she teaches a variety of courses at undergraduate and graduate level including research methods, psychology of prejudice, psychology and gender issues and advanced statistics.

Dr Husnu Raman is also a member of the Bicommunal Technical Committee of Education and practices as a trainer of peace education in both communities of Cyprus.

Her research is in the field of intergroup relations, prejudice reduction as well as gender and LGBTI+issues.