We have identified a selection of socio-economic and environmental indices which may be relevant to the study of honour, as well as to other topics commonly studied in psychology.
The indices listed were mainly created by agencies rather than individual researchers, although some references (especially to older sources) have been taken from works by individual researcher(s) and/or for specific projects. It may thus be appropriate to view such references as signposts to ongoing/subsequent surveys for which more up-to-date data and/or alternative variables may be available. (An example of this is the World Values Survey (WVS), which incorporates 7 data waves.)
The document below lists each index and details the following features:
- variable area / topic
- variable(s) identified in the specific database / survey
- number of countries or territories covered by the index or study (where known).
A source citation and URL are also provided to enable the database or work to be consulted.
Please contact us if you know of any other relevant indices for potential addition to the document or to request this information in an alternative format.